Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Preparing the presentation: Does it worth it?

I'm not sure if it's just me but when I was preparing my presentation for the ESA Annual Meeting, my characters resulted to me so insignificant... it was like all the time I've spent looking at the weevils trying to find characters, recognizing character states, coding, analyzing, thinking about groupings, distributions... in some point all turns so light... as if all the work was not really saying anything...
But you need to stop... if the characters are not which/what you expected, there are several factors influencing your results, but most of all, THOSE ARE YOUR RESULTS and there is nothing you can do about it, just to try to present it as down-to-earth as you can, and in such a way that you feel comfortable with what you are saying and how you are saying it.

This is a link to the presentation:

And this is me giving the presentation:

And this is a photo of the "weevil persons" in 2009 meeting:

From left to right: Samuel Crane, James Korecki, (-), Anyi Mazo, John Longino, Juliana Cardona, (-), Sara Pinzón, (-), Horace Burke, Charles O'Brien, Jennifer Girón, Mohammed Hassib, Alida Mercado, Steve Davis, Robert Anderson.
Sorry... I can't remember all the names... as I remember it, I'll replace the (-).


nmf said...

Nice updates, Jennifer!

JCD said...

It is good to know you really enjoy updating these blogs... you know...