Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Character coding

Then, there I was, wondering about differences, how to call those differences, how many and which states to code...
This was the initial matrix... Notice the name of the file (Apodrosus.winc) and the names of the species: they are going to change briefly. The Anypotactini are shaded in purple, the Polydrusini in blue and in green, two "Apodrosus" that are very different from the rest, and similar between them: still not sure about who they are.
9 outgroup taxa, 2+9+2 ingroup taxa, 29 characters:

Analyze => Heuristics: Hold =2000; mult*100; hold/100; mult*; max* => apo_1.tre: one most parsimonious tree completely resolved (L= 173; CI= 37; RI= 51).

A rare result, with really bad statistics:
Anypotactini grouped: Good
Polydrusini -Outgroup- grouped: Good
sp. 6 JCG and sp. 13 JCG grouped: Good
Why argentatus is the sister group for all???
What is sp. 11 JCG doing being grouped with the Anypotactini???

There's no coherence between this tree and what was supposed to happen... there is something wrong, this is not what I expected...
As with most things in life, it couldn't be perfect the first time.

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